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Quaestio Productions presents our debut musical, written and directed by Hero Douglas.


Mad Cow

3rd - 13th July 2024

Garlinge Theatre, Canterbury 

Monday to Saturday 7pm; Saturday matinees 2pm


Mad Cow is a darkly comic musical about a young girl finding her voice to protect those she loves the most. 


14-year-old Martha Woolf lives on her family farm in North Wales. Her sisters and parents are more concerned with Pony Club and keeping up with their well-to-do neighbours than with their animals’ wellbeing. But Martha is different. The black sheep of the family, she feels more connected to the cows and pigs than to her relatives. When circumstances threaten the animals she cares about most, Martha is pushed to extreme lengths to save them.


Combining tones of Okja and Fantastic Mr. Fox, Mad Cow takes audiences on a madcap adventure into the realms of magical realism. With hauntingly memorable music, it tells an inspirational tale about what happens when you disagree with those closest to you and what it takes to stand up for your beliefs.


Download the Mad Cow programme here.

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Poorly Planet is an hour-long musical for younger children about a boy called Rain.


Rain has possibly got the worst parents in the history of the world. He is at the end of his tether trying to get them to behave. They don’t give a hoot about the planet and it’s exhausting trying to sort out the mess they make every single day. Their recycling is haphazard, to say the least. They do things like put the wine bottle in the glass bin but not the mayonnaise jar because it’s too much of a faff to rinse out. They use the food bin until it’s full but then, as it's gross, chuck the whole lot in the main rubbish. And they can never, absolutely ever remember when the recycling goes out. Rain has to second guess all their silly mistakes and try to put them right. 


This musical is by Hero Douglas (music/story) and Dixe Wills (lyrics). Performances will be announced soon. 



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